Ugali Wa Dola & Managu - Kitui Flour Mills Limited

Step 1

Pluck the Managu leaves from the stem then clean the leaves.

Step 2

Put the cleaned leaves in a sufuria.

Step 3

Add 2 cups of water

Step 4

Boil the Managu to soften for 15 mins

Step 5

Chop the spring onion

Step 6

Add oil into a sufuria then add the chopped spring onions

Step 7

Cook the onions until brown then add the boiled Managu

Step 8

Add salt, stir and then add milk

Step 9

Let it cook for 3-5 mins


Step 10

Add 4 cups of water in a sufuria and bring it to boil.

Step 11

Add 2 cups of Unga wa Dola Ugali Flour

Step 12

FlourMake the ugali then leave it to cook for 5-8min

Step 13

Serve while hot with the Managu.


100 gms margarine
200 gms sugar
3 eggs
1 cup Unga wa Dola All purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
A pinch of salt
1 tbsp vanilla essence
2 tsp milk
2 tsp cocoa powder
3 stones